National Ice Cream Day June 17th
I just bought an ice cream maker at a garage sale...for $2.00!
For years I have come across recipes and thought I would love to make this, unsure of whether or not I would ever really use a maker I never saved them. I was afraid I might spend money on one and never use it. So 2 bucks was a win, however.....I had saved none of the recipes. I began scouring through my magazine
obsession collection to see what I could find.
Paula Dean's Coffee Toffee was what I settled on.
2 quarts half and half
1 quart heavy cream
12 egg yolks (click
here for a great cake to make with the egg whites)
4 c sugar
1 c strong coffee, cooled ( make it strong, I drink pretty strong coffee and it still needed more!)
1 12oz bag toffee bars, chopped
In large Dutch oven combine half and half and cream, cook over med heat until almost simmering.
Remove from heat.
In large bowl beat yolks and sugar, (thick), Gradually pour 1/4 cream mix over eggs, whisking constantly to avoid cooking the eggs.
Next stir egg mixture into remaining cream and reheat whisking constantly for 15-20 min until mixture coats the back of spoon. Cover and chill for at least 4 hours, Stir in coffee and chocolate pieces.
Pour into ice cream container and follow makers instructions.
Now my machine because it was used did not come with instructions. You can see the model below, so I let it run about 1 hour, used a medium bag of ice and about 1/2 c rock salt. It probably could have went longer but since this recipe requires placing in freezer 4 hours for a firmer texture I am not sure. After the required time in the freezer it set up well. I know many people eat their ice cream right out of the maker, if you did this I am not sure how long it would take to set well enough or if it even would, so allow plenty of time.
the 2 dollar ice cream maker!
the cake you can make with the egg whites! I mean ya gotta have cake with ice cream right? (see link above for recipe) |